10 Website Redesign FAQs.02

The length and time it takes to design and develop a fully functioning website is based on several different factors, all of which can prove to be challenging. Of course, there are general guidelines that have been provided, sometimes it takes a few adjustments after the website has been designed to improve both the design and functionality. Here are a few very common FAQs that are asked on website redesign.

Should you analyze the competition?

Yes, you should definitely do a deep competition analysis when you decide on redesigning your website. You can go a step further and use tools such as the ones provided by Alexa and other online services to analyze data such as ranking information and traffic sources of your competitor as well as social media monitoring, which can be done online as well.

Why you should review your current website? 

You will need to take a good look at your current website and create a list of all the things that you will need in your website’s redesign. There’s no need to fix something that isn’t broken, so make a note of all the parts of the website that you really hate before handing it over to the web designer.

How important is defining your audience?

It is important to create a clear definition of your audience. This will not only help in the redesign of your website, knowing who your online audience is will help you create a website that is suitable for that specific market demographic.

Does it have the bells and whistles you want?

Apart from the actual design, does your website feature extras that would improve the user’s experience? For instance, have you included an email signup form, an appointment scheduler and social media icons in the website?

Can it handle multiple browsers?

Your website is going to be accessed by different people using different web browsers, which means that you need to make sure your site performs well on all of them. 

Is Speed Testing Necessary?

Yes, speed testing is necessary when you want to find out if any of your links are broken. There are many free tools available online that can help you do that.

Why use Grammarly?

If your website is small you probably won’t need it as you will probably prefer doing the spell checks yourself. But if your website is a large one, then go with Grammarly to work on each of the individual pages before you fire your site up.

Is your site really responsive?

Being responsive means the site not only looks great, but loads fast and on multiple handheld devices. 

What is the website’s bounce rate?

One of the major reasons for getting a redesign of your website is if your traffic is on the decline. If fewer people are visiting your site, it’s time for a redesign.

Do you need a thorough audit?

Yes, to make sure that your website is fully optimal it’s important that you check everything from the Plugins, and social buttons to the 310 redirects, 404 pages, tracking code and checking the NAP with Schema.

Having a website built can be an overwhelming experience, even more so for those who are looking for a website’s redesign. Using this checklist as a guideline for your website’s redesign will make sure that you are able to get a website design that is able to attract the most visitors.  

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