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Upgrade to Google Analytics 4 and Get Actionable Insights for Your Business!

Google Analytics 4 (GA4) is a next-generation analytics tool that has been released by Google to replace their traditional Universal Analytics. Unlike Universal Analytics, GA4 provides advanced data insights to marketers, allowing them to analyze user behavior across multiple platforms in order to optimize their digital campaigns. GA4 focuses on machine learning, predictive analytics, and a customer-centric approach to data that makes it easier for marketers to understand customer behavior and derive actionable insights.

It’s important to update to GA4 before July 1st, 2023 because Google has announced the end of support for Universal Analytics. This means that after that date, Google will no longer develop new features or fix bugs for the Universal Analytics platform. By making the switch to GA4, businesses will be able to take advantage of its advanced analytical capabilities and benefit from the latest technology updates. Additionally, businesses that transition early to GA4 will have a greater ability to explore new opportunities and stay competitive in the fast-changing digital marketplace.

Frequently Asked Questions About the Google Analytics 4 Upgrade:

Google Analytics 4 is a new web analytics platform that is intended to help businesses measure user engagement and optimize customer experience. It offers advanced insights on customer behavior, including an updated user interface, support for AIdriven insights, improvements in data collection, and automated crosschannel analysis.

If you dont upgrade to Google Analytics 4 by July 1st, 2023, you will not be able to utilize the features and insights provided by the platform. You also risk losing important data about your customers and their behaviors over time.

Universal Analytics is being phased out in favor of Google Analytics 4 and will not be actively supported by Google anymore. However, your data from Universal Analytics will still be stored if you have enabled the Universal Analytics Data Migration Tool.

Media Giant Design is a marketing agency specializing in web development and analytics solutions. They have extensive experience with both Google Analytics 4 and Universal Analytics, so they can provide a seamless transition from the older platform to GA4. Furthermore, they can also assist with setting up custom segments and reports as well as adhoc analysis to get the most out of your analytics data.

We will update any website for $475. This includes setting up the GA4 property, Google Tag Manager, Conversions, Goals, and Audiences.

Our typical turnaround time on a GA4 upgrade is 7 business days. This assumes that you can provide us with the proper access to your website and Google Analytics account promptly.